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Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie Pronouciation in Ojibwe
Blueberry Pie in Ojibwe is a 66 character word. In this video language specialist, Kathy Wesley, break down each component of the word and teaches viewers how to pronounce each section to complete the full pronunciation of blueberry pie in Ojibwe.
Created by KERC's Language & Culture department and specialists. For more information, comments or questions regarding this or any other resource on the KERC@Home site contact
Blueberry Pie Making Lesson
KERC's Immersion and Language Specialists create a Blueberry Pie in the Languages -- Ojibwe and OjiCree. Follow along to create your own beautiful blueberry pie.
Word of the Week: Blueberry Pie
The video that started it all. Blueberry Pie in Ojibwe was KERC's first word of the week.
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